速報APP / 工具 / Wi-Fi Roam

Wi-Fi Roam



檔案大小:9.8 MB


版本需求:需要 iOS 8.0 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。

支援語言:簡體中文, 繁體中文, 英語

Wi-Fi Roam(圖1)-速報App

Our newly-launched Wi-Fi Roam Connection Manager places a highly-convenient Wi-Fi roaming experience at your fingertips, enabling you to get connected at 2.9 million Wi-Fi hotspots when traveling in Greater China, Asia Pacific, Europe and North America.

Wi-Fi Roam Connection Manager delivers a superior Wi-Fi roaming experience with the rich mix of features you have been looking for!


[1] Wi-Fi Roam Connection Manager is only available to 1O1O/csl subscribers and is provided to you under the terms and conditions of your mobile service contract.

[2] You are required to register for IDD, International Roaming, China Roaming and Internetional Wi-Fi Roaming service and pay the necessary roaming deposit before service activation

[3] Wi-Fi Roaming usage charge applies, please refer to www.hkcsl.com or www.1010.com.hk

[4] 1O1O/csl reserves the right to adjust charges according to tariffs set by overseas operators and exchange-rate fluctuations without prior notice

[5] We recommend you to update the hotspot list in Hong Kong before traveling abroad

Wi-Fi Roam(圖2)-速報App

[6] 1O1O/csl makes no guarantee as to the condition or quality of services provided by third-party network operators

全新推出Wi-Fi Roam 連線易程式為你提供一個簡易方便的Wi-Fi漫遊新體驗,讓你輕輕鬆鬆就可以於中國、亞太區、歐洲及北美州等地連接到290萬個Wi-Fi熱點!

Wi-Fi Roam 連線易程式集合多種功能,要搵Wi-Fi熱點或連線至Wi-Fi簡直易如反掌,俾你真正享受到Wi-Fi漫遊的樂趣!


[1] Wi-Fi Roam 連線易程式只限提供予1O1O/csl客戶,並根據你與本公司所簽訂的流動服務合約的條款及條件下所提供

[2] 你需要申請IDD、國際漫遊、中國漫遊及國際Wi-Fi漫遊服務並繳付所需按金方可使用此服務

[3] Wi-Fi漫遊會按用量收費, 有關詳情, 請瀏覽www.hkcsl.com 或 www.1010.com.hk

[4] 1O1O/csl將根據不同地區網絡供應商的價格及利率變動而隨時調整收費,並不作另行通知

[5] 我們建議你於離港前預先更新Wi-Fi熱點目錄

Wi-Fi Roam(圖3)-速報App

[6] 1O1O/csl並不保證第三者網絡商所提供的服務和質素
